Sample: Memo for Bridgehead

This memo has the objective to recommend CSR Initiatives for Bridgehead – Green Energy and Community Development

To: Bridgehead Director and Managers
From: Camila Borghetti
Date: October 8th, 2015.

CSR initiatives align to Bridgehead business model

This letter has as an objective to recommend Bridgehead’s priority for CSR initiatives and to emphasize who does CSR initiatives help and how CSR connect people to the world around them.

Due to a growing need of environmental protection fueled by the worldwide responsibility to the future of natural resources, is essential to Bridgehead to be involved in practices towards sustainability and community development.

Corporate sustainability is embedded in our company’s culture and is the core of our business model. The compromise with customers, employees and society is revealed by our founding values and our initiatives to improve continually the quality of our products and services. We do this consciously with a view to how we can minimize our impact on the environment. These are practices that support the three bottom-line people, planet, profit.

Two other initiatives are highly recommended in order to reduce this impact and keep our compromise to environmental and social future progress. They are:

  • To support “As Green as it Gets”, a charitable organization that works to minimize environmental impacts by promoting sustainable coffee farming and land cultivation methods while supporting reforestation projects to protect local rainforest. The charity specifically helps farmers to adopt best practices in coffee cultivation, becoming environmentally and socially responsible, helping to improve productivity and implement cost reduction. Inexpensive devices, low capital investment, and culturally sensitive solutions are the key of this program.
  • To support “Green Community Canada”, a national association of community organizations that help people go green in their homes and gardens, on the road, at work, and in the community. Their local initiatives to help reduce energy use include: professional energy audits for businesses, solar assessments for home and businesses, sales and installation of solar systems for homes and businesses. The association also support studies to develop greener machines with power save and power off functions.

The CSR initiative benefits the company in a number of ways. It stimulates our clients to work with us because we are focused on a healthier and more productive world. Our clients can rely on us to consume products that come from an ethical trade and offers highest standards of productivity. We save money by operating more efficiently, which justify our CSR investments. We impact people in order to disseminate the green idea, increasing our reputation and value in the market. We receive the most value from our ongoing initiatives which is that of social good. We became a good example to inspire other organizations, companies and individuals to go green and to be more active when it comes to social and environmental responsibility. We also encourage further inspiration in the community leading to a more advanced perspective on how to run a business. In this sense, the CSR initiatives help the community, the nature and our own future.

Our support for greener business strategy is a snowball that connects our customers, employees, families, suppliers, neighborhood, and competitors to the idea of increasing green investments seeking for success in their own life. Therefore, we could live in a healthier, safer, cleaner world not only for ourselves but for the future of our children.

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