Speaker’s note

The role of a speaker persona includes confidence, credibility, voice motivation and pronunciation. Due to my almost 10 years of experience as a Speaker, my recommendation for delivering an effective speech include the following tactics:

  • First one is Smile. Smiling increases endorphin, replacing anxiety with calm and making you feel good about your presentation. Smiling also exhibits confidence and enthusiasm to the crowd.
  • Practice: rehearse your presentation multiple times out loud.
  • Transform Nervous Energy Into Enthusiasm: Studies have shown that an enthusiastic speech can win out over an eloquent one.
  • Attend Other Presentations: Another speaker may also say something that you can play off of later in your own presentation.
  • Arrive Early: It’s always best to allow yourself plenty of time to settle in before your talk.
  • Adjust to Your Surroundings: Make sure to spend some time in the room where you will be delivering your presentation.

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